In Celebrate People we value, love and embrace our natural world. It’s an important part of what makes us tick, and people who are nature lovers and eco-conscious often find their way to our door for weddings and funerals.

Our Co-Founder Gerrie Douglas-Scott was invited to participate in “The Blessing of the Animals” at Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh for the feast of St Francis. Gerrie is a passionate dog lover, who spends many hours walking Freeda the Weimeraner and Daniel the Spaniel. She supports many animal charities in Scotland and beyond, and even has an adopted donkey called Frank.

Greyfriars Kirk is where the famous Greyfriars Bobby stayed by his master’s grave for many years till he died. There is a statue for him near the church doors. In his honour the Skye Terrier club of Scotland came in their numbers to grace the occasion.

Conducting the ceremony and speaking of the wonder and gift of our pets and of nature were leaders from the Christian, Baha’i, Buddhist, Sikh and Jewish community, as well as Gerrie from Celebrate People.

As she said, “We were there to bless our animals and our natural world and each of us did that in our own way. At least 80 people came with their pets which included many well behaved dogs, especially Skye Terriers, an indignant Siamese cat and a majestic white stallion with City of Edinburgh on his gold embroidered blanket.”

Gerrie has always had a love for Francis of Assisi, making vows of love and kindness for our natural world when she was only a teenager. She still tries to live by his famous words “Make me an instrument of peace, where there is hatred, let me bring love, where there is sadness, joy”. Every day Brother Sun and Sister Moon (as Francis called them) receive a little nod of respect and gratitude.

Each faith and belief representative chose their symbolic garb for the occasion. Gerrie wore a shawl that reminded her of the famous poem, Francis and The Birds, by Seamus Heaney She said she could almost hear the birds fluttering up in the high eaves of the Kirk. Even the yowling of the Siamese cat, indignant and offended in a cat box didn’t detract; it only added to the harmony of sounds.

Gerrie spoke this blessing, and the congregation responded in their turn:
“For the beauty and diversity of all creatures, land, sea and sky – we give thanks”
“For their unconditional love and acceptance – we give thanks”
“For their public service in peace and war – we give thanks”
“For their presences, visible and hidden, for making us MORE – we give thanks”

The Blessing of the Animals ceremony was organised by the Edinburgh Interfaith Association, which for the last 30 years has worked to promote better community harmony in Scotland’s capital.
Gerrie says, “I was honoured to be asked and I very much hope to participate again in the future”.

PS Just in case you’re wondering, this isn’t Gerrie, but her daughter says the likeness is uncanny!